Panel Components
Pump Trainer panels are designed using various panel components. Design the panels as they appear on your pumpers, save them to disk, then load them later as you create evolutions using that particular panel.
Miscellaneous Panel Components
Discharge and intake valves are easy to operate: just click and drag valve handles to open, feather and close.
Throttles and rpm indicator.
The discharge-side relief valve is a complex control, and important to the safety of the crew. The Pump Trainer is a good place to learn the effects of the relief valve mechanism. Adjust the throttle to set the pressure, then switch on the relief valve and rotate the knob until the valve opens (to where the red and green lamps light alternately).
In addition to this Waterous-style relief valve, the rotory valve handle (above) is another style of relief valve available.
So what difference does it make if you operate your two-stage pump in series or parallel mode? Make the switch and find out.
One click makes all units metric!
...pressure and RPM governors
This flowmeter can be set to monitor particular discharges, total flow, or set to scan.
Engine cooler valve switch, and water level indicator.