- design-your-own panels with numerous panel components
- up to 15 discharges + tank fill
- configurable supply
- configurable pump parameters
- configurable discharge lines
- nozzles: automatic, selectable gallonage, straight bore; handline and master stream
- programmable tender resupply
- switch between Metric and English units at the click of a button. "Metric"
allows KPa or Bar pressure units.
- user-labeled valve and discharge gauge names
- programmable fireground incidents
- your sound card is used to create engine and primer pump sounds
- add sound (WAV) files that will prompt or direct operator (text files are default
if you have no sound card) in an evolution
- friction loss adjustment
- login/tracking for multiple students
- plots performance data: pressures and flows
- simulates discharge-side water hammer
- burn-house simulation
- next revision is free on the Internet